Go to apply. Select Create An Admissions Profile. Complete the Application for Admission. Confirmation
emails are sent when the application is received and again when processed. Allow two
(2) business days for processing. NOTE: Fall and winter semesters have application
deadlines. Plan Ahead!

When your application is processed you will receive two separate emails - One with your OCC Student ID number along with a link to retrieve your username from Admissions and a second email from Online Services with your Temporary Password.
MyOCC is where you will access your student email account, pre-registration steps,
register for classes, payment information, and more.
It takes time to get prepared, take the test, and get results. Start this early.
This can feel complicated. Just do your best.
Make the most of your counseling appointment. OCC now requires Mandatory Counseling
for all incoming first-time college students. Complete your application and placement
testing before coming in! Call for an appointment with a counselor at one of the campuses
or set up a ZOOM meeting!
- Log into MyOCC
- Click on the Student Planning card
- Click Go to Plan & Schedule under Plan your Degree & Register for Classes
You can pay via:
The One Card is your Official OCC Student ID. It serves as your Student ID, Library
Card, and Copy/Print Card for the OCC Bookstore and Cafe purchases. Your first card
is free, replacement cards cost $10. Your official OCC Student ID can be picked up
at the Business Office.