Veteran Students

Veterans Benefits

OCC participates in veterans educational benefit plans.

Funds are attached to the veteran – not the institution. The Veterans Administration (VA) approves academic programs. Most OCC programs are approved for enrollment.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site for veteran benefits/GI Bill.     

Michigan Veteran Affairs AgencyOCC is a Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency "Gold" college.  The Michigan Veteran-Friendly School program recognizes academic institutions of higher learning committed to supporting the needs of student veterans and dependents. The program awards Gold, Silver, and Bronze level status to institution that offer veteran-centric services and programs. Any institution of higher learning and/or training facility in Michigan eligible to receive veteran education benefits can apply for the program regardless of size, location and program delivery. 

Finish Your Degree or Certificate Faster

You may qualify for college credit based on your prior military experience or coursework. The American Council on Education (ACE)’s Military Guide will help you to understand more about how your experience may apply to college credit. To get started, you’ll need to provide your DD-214 and request a Joint Service Transcript (JST). Contact our Veterans Affairs Office at (248) 232-4342 for assistance.

Additional Resources:

Montgomery GI Bill ® Active Duty (Chapter 30) Program

Get Ahead. Become an OCC Student.

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Step 1: Apply online for VA benefits to receive a certificate of eligibility

  • VA Form 22-1990 (Application for VA Education Benefits)
  • VA Form 22-5490 (Dependents' Application for VA Education Benefits)
  • VA Form 22-1990E (Application for Family Member to Use Transferred Benefits

You will receive a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) in the mail approximately 6-8 weeks after you apply.

  • Students who have used their veterans benefits at other institutions will need to complete a Request for Change Place of Training Form (22-1995). 
  • The Tuition Assistance Program (TA) - Eligible Service members must receive approval from an Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within the Military Service prior to enrolling.
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Step 2: Apply Online for Admissions to OCC

Complete our free, online application. You will receive a confirmation email from our Admissions team when your application is received and another one when it is processed. Please allow two (2) business days for processing.

Note: After submitting your application, refresh your Admission Profile. You will see a tab called Supplemental Items & Documents. This area will allow you to upload optional and/or required documents, such as transcripts or SAT/ACT scores.

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Step 3: Set-up a MyOCC account

MyOCC is where you will access your student email account, complete pre-registration steps, register for classes, find payment information, and more.

After your application is processed, you will receive two emails with the information needed to set up your MyOCC account. First, admissions will email your OCC Student ID number and the link to find your username. Then, Online Services will email your Temporary Password.

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Step 4: New student orientation - online

Students new to OCC are required to complete the New Student Orientation before registration. Log into MyOCC. From the Colleague Resources link, select Pre-Registration Steps and then choose New Student Orientation/Title IX training. After you have completed the survey, remember to click "Mark Course Completed" and print your certificate to finish the orientation.

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Step 5: English, ESL and Math Placement

You must have an English or ESL placement to register for classes.

  • You can complete the OCC English self-placement, submit qualifying high school transcripts, SAT/ACT scores or documentation for one of the other exemptions.
  • If you are an ESL student, complete the OCC Duolingo English Test or provide documentation for one of the other exemptions.

To take a math class or class with a math prerequisite, you must submit qualifying high school transcripts, recent SAT scores, documentation for one of the other exemptions, or complete the ALEKS math placement.

*Note: ALEKS math placement scores are valid for one (1) year.

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Step 6: Have your official transcripts mailed or emailed to OCC

Mail to: Oakland Community College, Transcript Evaluations Auburn Hills Campus, Building K, 2900 Featherstone Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2845 or you can request your transcripts are emailed to After your transcript has been evaluated, notification will be sent to your OCC email. You may log into your student account to review the results or your transcript evaluation.

Military Transcripts

Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps. and Navy, Active duty, Reserve and Veterans - Request Joint Services Transcripts (JST). Please ensure your JST is sent to OCC electronically. Choose the option to order your official joint service transcript and choose OCC as your sending institution.

OCC's policy regarding review of JST's and awarding credit for military experience follows the American Council on Education (ACE)'s Military Guide.  Students can access the guide to understand how military experiences may apply toward a degree or college credit.

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Step 7: Complete your FAFSA (If Applicable)

Students receiving veterans' benefits may also qualify for financial aid. Even though there is a wide variety of financial aid available at the college, students should apply as early as possible.

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Step 8: Meet with a Counselor

  • Schedule an appointment with a counselor. OCC requires Mandatory Counseling for all incoming first-time college students. When you make your appointment specify you need to complete a Veteran's Plan of Study
  • Bring unofficial college and military transcripts, if possible. The counselor can use your transcripts to assist in course selections. However, your official transcripts must be sent to the OCC Enrollment Services office for an official evaluation.
  • Complete a Veterans Plan of Study when you are initiating benefits and/or when changing your program of study with the VA. Submit the complete Veterans Plan of Study form to the OCC-Veterans Services Office.
  • Complete the Change of Program Form to update your program of study information with Enrollment Services

*Students can complete a Veterans Plan of Study with a virtual counseling appointment using Zoom.

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Step 9: Register for Classes via MyOCC

The VA will only pay benefits for classes required to complete your current Veterans Plan of Study except when a student is rounding out.

Courses that CANNOT be certified are:

  • Courses recommended for a program but not required for the completion of the program
  • Courses that have been successfully completed with a passing grade. (Unless a course requires a specific minimum grade for the completion of the program). This includes prerequisites that require a minimum grade. Refer to the OCC catalog
  • Audited classes.
  • Online remedial classes

Courses that CAN be certified are:

  • Courses required for completion of the student's current Veterans Plan of Study.
  • Required prerequisite courses needed in order to complete the student's program of study.
  • Remedial courses in English and Math with an appropriate placement test score.
  • Required courses that have been completed with a failing grade.
  • Required courses that have been completed with a grade that did not meet the minimum grade requirements as stated in the catalog. If a program requires a higher grade than achieved, that course may be repeated as many times as necessary to achieve the required grade. For example, if Nursing requires a "B" or better in Biology then that course may be repeated if a "B" was not earned.

The Exception - Rounding Out (CH33, 30, 1606 & 35)

Rounding out allows students, with a limited number of credits remaining, to take classes not required to complete their program of study during the student’s FINAL semester only. This allows the student to continue to receive benefits at a full-time rate in the last term of enrollment for their program of study. When rounding out:
  • Students may use any credit hour unit subject, including a subject that has previously been success fully completed (received a passing grade), or courses that are not part of their program of study, in order to get their schedule up to full-time.
  • It can only be done once per degree program and only during the final semester of the program.
  • For example: A student only needs 9 credit hours to complete their degree during the fall semester. The student registers for the required 9 credits. In addition to the 9 required credit hours, the student adds to their schedule a 3 credit hour class. This additional class is not required to complete their degree. If a student is eligible to round out, all 13 credits would be eligible for certification and the student would receive full-time benefits for the semester.

Student must submit a completed graduation application with the Statement of Intent to round out.

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Step 10: Complete and submit OCC Veterans Statement of Intent

Each semester, after you register, you must submit the OCC Veterans Statement of Intent - Request for VA Benefits (PDF) form.

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Step 11: Receive confirmation e-mail from the department of Veteran Affairs

  • The Department of Veterans Affairs will send a confirmation to the veteran's OCC student email account once a certification for benefits has been submitted.
  • This is your confirmation that your Statement of Intent has been processed and eligible classes have been reported to the VA.
  • Please review the certification for accuracy.
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Step 12: Pay for Classes by the Payment Due Date

  • Post 9/11 (CH33) students will have a hold placed on their account that will keep them from being deregistered for nonpayment once a signed Statement of Intent is received from the student. Students are responsible for any charges not covered by their post 9/11 (CH33) benefits.
  • Voc. Rehab (CH31) students will have a hold placed on their account that will keep them from being deregistered for nonpayment once a signed Statement of Intent and a valid VA Form 28-1905 received for the student. Students are responsible for any charges not covered by their Vocational Rehabilitation (CH31) Benefits.
  • Post 9/11 (CH33) students who receive benefits at less than 100% are responsible for payment of their portion of tuition and fees.
  • MGIB (CH30, 1606, CH35) students are required to pay for their tuition and fees before the posted payment deadline to avoid being deregistered.

You are responsible for ensuring that any unwanted classes - whether paid for or not - have been properly dropped. Failure to do so may result in

  • An invoice for unpaid tuition and course fees
  • Financial hold on your account
  • Unwanted class remaining on your academic record/transcript
  • Failing or no-show grades for the unwanted class

Summer Classes

Students enrolled in late-start and summer sessions need to be very aware of course dates within a semester when choosing classes. The VA uses actual begin dates, end dates and credit pursued to calculate student benefits and not just the number of credits taken within a semester. This conversion is done by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and not by Oakland Community College.

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Step 13: Get The One Card

The One Card is your Official OCC Student ID. It serves as your Student ID, Library Card, and Copy/Print Card Cash for the OCC Bookstore and Cafe purchases. Your first card is free, replacement cards cost $10. Your official OCC Student ID can be picked up at the Business Office.

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Step 14: Buy your books

You can order and have your books delivered from the OCC Bookstore by clicking on BUY YOUR BOOKS above, selecting Buy Textbooks and following the directions. The OCC Bookstore provides competitive comparisons to get your books!

Go to class!

VA Certification Checklist

Post 9/11 (CH33)

Students will receive a book and supply payment directly from the VA 6-8 weeks after their classes are certified. The post 9/11 (CH 33) books and supplies stipend will pay up to $41.67 per credit certified, for up to 24 credits during an academic year. The maximum stipend is $1,000 per academic year. It is recommended that you do not wait to receive this payment to purchase your books.

Students with Financial Aid

Students, who have completed the FAFSA and have been awarded financial aid, may have an electronic book voucher available for them to use at the OCC Bookstore for books and supplies directly related to their academic courses. If your tuition and fees are less than your eligible financial aid award, the remaining amount, up to $1,200, is available as an Electronic Book Voucher.

MGIB (CH 30 & 1606) Students MUST Verify Enrollment Monthly

Students receiving Chapter 30 and 1606 must verify their enrollment monthly by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) or by Interactive Voice Response (IVR).

  • The earliest students can verify their enrollment is the last calendar day of each month.
  • WAVE allows students to verify their enrollment on the internet
  • IVR allows students to "phone in" (1-877-823-2378) their monthly verification if there are no changes to the enrollment during the previous month

Chapter 33 on Active Duty Monthly Housing Allowance

CH 33 active duty personnel (including those on terminal leave) and their spouses utilizing transferred entitlement are not eligible for the housing allowance.

Receive Monthly Benefit Payments (Monthly Housing Allowance for CH 33)

  • Monthly benefit payments (or Monthly Housing Allowance for CH 33) are made directly to the student by the Department of Veteran Affairs.
  • Call 1.(888) 442-4551 to address questions or concerns regarding your monthly benefit payments or monthly housing allowance.
  • Payments are made at the beginning of each month for the previous month for the number of days the student is certified.
  • If a student is certified for a whole month, the full monthly benefit is paid. If the student is only certified for part of the month, the benefit is prorated.
  • The VA uses a 30-day month. Divide the monthly rate by 30 to get the daily rate. For example: If a student is certified from the January 16 – January 30 (or 31), the student is certified 15 days and is entitled to 15/30ths of the full monthly benefit.
  • View the current status of your payments (both education and disability) through eBenefits.

How Changes in Enrollment Affect your Benefits

Code of Conduct

Students are required to follow the college’s Student Code of Conduct. Any changes in enrollment due to a student’s failure to follow this code will result in the termination of VA Educational Benefits for unsatisfactory conduct. This could result in a debt to the VA. To view the official Student Code of Conduct as well as other important student information, go to the

OCC Student Handbook located on the OCC website.

Non-Punitive Grades & Dropping Classes

The VA does not pay benefits toward classes for which a student receives a non-punitive grade, unless there are mitigating circumstances. Receiving this type of mark may result in an overpayment. Non-punitive grades are grades that do not count toward graduation or calculate into the student’s GPA and include: "W", "WS", "N", "I ". Students who withdrawal from a course and receive a "W" or are given a "WS" mark by their instructor and would like mitigating circumstances to be considered, may submit supporting documentation to be reported to the VA. This should be done before the non-punitive grade is assigned.

Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigating circumstances are circumstances beyond the student's control that prevent the student from continuing in school or that cause the student to reduce credits. Examples are:

  • An illness or death in the student’s immediate family.
  • An illness or injury afflicting the student during the enrollment period.
  • An unavoidable change in the student’s conditions of employment.
  • An unavoidable geographical transfer resulting from the student’s employment.
  • Immediate family or financial obligations beyond the control of the claimant that require him or her to suspend pursuit of the program of education to obtain employment.
  • Discontinuance of the course by the school.
  • Unanticipated active military service, including active duty for training.
  • Unanticipated difficulties with childcare arrangements the student has made for the period during which he or she is attending classes.

Receiving an "F" Grade

When a student receiving veteran benefits receives an "F" grade, no changes in enrollment are reported to the VA and no overpayment to the student will result.

Repeating a Course

A student who has received a failing grade or a grade that did not meet the minimum requirements for the program of study, may repeat the course and be certified for it until it is successfully completed.


Students, who receive an incomplete "I" in a class, must notify the OCC-Veterans Services department once the course is completed and a letter grade is issued. Once an appropriate grade has been issued, the class will no longer be considered to have a non-punitive grade.

CHAPTER 35 Students – Children of Veterans Tuition Grant

The Children of Veterans Tuition Grant Act is a state funded program designed to provide undergraduate tuition assistance to certain children older than 16 and less than 26 years of age who have been Michigan residents for the 12 months prior to application. To be eligible a student must be the natural or adopted child of a Michigan veteran. Stepchildren or grandchildren of the veteran are not eligible. The veteran must have been a legal resident of Michigan immediately before entering military service and did not later reside outside of Michigan for more than two years; or the veteran must have established legal residency in Michigan after entering military service.

Students may receive scholarship assistance for up to four academic years for a total of up to $11,200. Awards are for an academic year with the amount determined by the student’s enrollment status. Full-time students can receive up to a maximum of $2,800 per academic year.

Administrative Policy 

Oakland Community College prohibits the use of high-pressure recruitment tactics for the purpose of securing enrollment of students. These include multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Military Service Member enrollments.