Minors on Campus

  • Policy Type: Administrative 
  • Policy Title: Minors on Campus
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Public Safety and Student Services 
  • Related Policies: Public Safety Poicy Manual
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: MCL 722.621 et seq; MCL 37.231 et seq
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

Oakland Community College (“College”) is committed to keeping all students, employees and visitors safe on campus, this includes a special concern for vulnerable populations such as children and minors.


Adult: A person age 18 and older.

Children and Child: A person(s) between the ages of birth and14 years old.

Authorized Adults or Program Staff: Individuals who interact with, coach, teach, treat, supervise, chapter one, or otherwise oversee Minors in College Sponsored Program activities. This includes but is not limited to faculty, administrators, staff, volunteers, graduate and undergraduate students, interns, employees of temporary employment agencies, and independent contractors/consultants. The Authorized Adult or Program Staff’s roles may include positions as counselors, chapter ones, coaches, instructors, health care providers, etc. Temporary guest speakers, presenters or other individuals who have no direct contact with Program participants other than short term activities supervised by Program Staff are excluded from this definition.

Direct Contact: Providing care, supervision, guidance or control of Minors or having routine interaction with Minors.

Minor: A person under 18 years of age (MCL§ 722.1(a)) who is not enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a degree program at the College. However, a person under 18 years of age who is considered to be “dually enrolled” in College Programs while also enrolled in elementary, middle or high school is considered a Minor covered by this policy.

One-on-One Contact: Personal, unsupervised interaction between any Authorized Adult or Program Staff and a participant Minor without at least one other Authorized Adult or Program Staff, parent or legal guardian being present.

Program Administrator: The person(s) who has primary and direct operational responsibility for managing a Program.

College Facilities: Facilities owned by or under the control of the College.

Program: For purposes of this policy Programs includes programs or activities offered by various academic, athletic or administrative units of the College that include the participation of children and minors. This includes, but is not limited to workshops, services, camps, conferences, campus visits, outreach activities, tutoring, licensed child care facilities and student organization activities.

College-Sponsored Programs: Programs that are directly managed by College faculty, staff, and Sponsored Student Organizations on behalf of the College. All College-Sponsored Programs involving child and/or minor participants must be registered with the Vice Chancellor of Student Services.

Non-Enrolled Children/Minors on Campus - In order not to disrupt teaching and learning activities and for applicable safety reasons, students, staff and visitors are not permitted to have children accompany them into College classrooms, laboratories, or studios, whether the children are supervised or not. The only exceptions are prearranged tours, field trips, enrolled minors or College-coordinated programs for children.

Students, staff and visitors are not permitted to leave unenrolled minors, unattended on College property or in campus buildings. Children who are not enrolled at Oakland Community College must be supervised by an adult.

Children are welcome to visit a campus, but they must be supervised by adults at all times. The College does not assume responsibility for the safety of children left unattended.

If a child is found on campus, Public Safety is to be notified.

Minors/Children Involved in College-Sponsored Programs – For purposes of this section the term “Minor” shall include “Child” and “Children”.

1.  Requirements for Minor Participation
Parents or legal guardians of Minors must submit required forms before a Minor is allowed to participate.

2.  Training of Authorized Adults and Program Staff
All Authorized Adults or Program Staff working with Minors must be trained on policies and issues related to Minor health, wellness, safety, and security before beginning work in a program. This training should be completed annually, unless otherwise determined by the Program Administrator. The Program Administrator shall maintain documentation of training completion. Training shall include, without limitation:

        • Detecting and reporting abuse or neglect
        • First aid/CPR and medication management\
        • Participant conduct management and disciplinary procedures
        • Authorized Adult or Program Staff Code of Conduct
        • Sexual and other unlawful harassment, Title IX
        • Clery Act
        • Safety and security protocols

3. Authorized Adult and Program Staff Expected Conduct
Authorized Adults and Program Staff are role models for Minors, and should act in a caring, honest, respectful and responsible manner at all times and must comply with all applicable laws and College policy. Authorized Adults and Program Staff should avoid conduct that could cause a risk of harm to Minors or be misinterpreted by Minors or others. Authorized Adults and Program Staff must conduct themselves in accordance with the following expectations:

      1. Do not engage in any sexual activity with Minors.
      2. Do not make sexual comments, tell sexual jokes, or share sexually explicit material with Minors or assist Minors in gaining access to such materials.
      3. Do not engage in romantic or sexual conversations or related matters with Minors, even if initiated by the Minor. Exceptions may include conversations within your professional role at the College. For example, without limitation, conversations during Title IX, abuse or neglect investigations and professional counseling.
      4. Do not touch Minors in a manner that a reasonable person could interpret as inappropriate. If restraint is necessary to protect a Minor or other Minors from  harm, all incidents must be documented and disclosed to the Program Administrator and the Minor's parent/guardian.
      5. Do not use profanity, vulgarity, or harassing language that maybe interpreted as discrimination or sexual harassment.
      6. Do not be alone with a single Minor. If one-on-one interaction is required, meet in open, well- illuminated spaces or rooms with windows observable by other Authorized Adult or Program Staff.
      7. Do not meet with Minors outside of established times or locations for Program activities.
      8. Do not invite individual Minors to your home or other private locations.
      9. Do not provide gifts to Minors or their families other than items provided by the Program.
      10. Communications to Minors should, as a general rule, be made through the Minor’s parent or guardian. Minors may only be contacted directly through phone numbers and email addresses, voluntarily and specifically provided by the Minor’s parent or guardian for the purpose of communicating directly with the Minor. Such communications must include the parent or guardian as a recipient and may only relate to information regarding the Program or College matters. Do not otherwise engage or communicate with Minors through email, text messages, social networking websites, phone, internet chat rooms, multiplayer online games, or other forms of social media at any time. 
      11. Do not engage in verbal or physical abuse of any kind toward or in the presence of a Minor.
      12. Do not use, possess or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while on College property, while working with Minors involved in a Program, or when responsible for a Minor's welfare.
      13. Do not provide alcohol or illegal drugs to a Minor.
      14. Do not transport Minors.
      15. Do not provide medication to a Minor unless authorized by the Program’s medication management guidelines.
      16. Do not bring any type of weapon, ammunition, or explosive device on College property.
      17. Comply with all other applicable College policies.
      18. Must be familiar with this policy and strictly adhere to it. Strive to ensure the safety of Minors participating in College Sponsored Programs, and, when appropriate, remove Minors from dangerous or potentially dangerous situations. In such situations they shall immediately notify the Director of Public Safety and the Vice Chancellor of Student Services. 

4. Criminal Background Screening
All Authorized Adults or Program Staff who work with Minors in College-sponsored Programs shall submit to a criminal background screening to the extent required by law prior to working with Minors.

5. Reporting Obligations 

a. Reports of Known or Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Minors
Anyone participating in a College-Sponsored Program who knows, suspects, or receives information indicating that a Minor has been abused or neglected, or who has other concerns about the safety of Minors MUST inform Public Safety. Public Safety will handle all reports in accordance with Michigan law. 

In addition, one should promptly notify his or her supervisor or Program Administrator, when it is safe and appropriate to do so.

Anyone who knows or suspects abuse or neglect of Minors should also notify the Michigan Department of Human Services by calling 855-444-3911.

b. Mandated Reporters and Their Legal Obligations
Individuals in certain occupations and professions are required by Michigan’s Child Protection Law (MCL §722.651 et seq.) to report abuse or neglect of minors. Mandated reporters include persons employed in the following positions: physician, dentist, physician's assistant, registered dental hygienist, medical examiner, nurse, person licensed to provide emergency medical care, audiologist, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, licensed professional counselor, social worker, licensed master's social worker, licensed bachelor's social worker, registered social service technician, social service technician, a person employed in a professional capacity in any office of the friend of the court, school administrator, school counselor or teacher, law enforcement officer, member of the clergy, or regulated child care provider.

Mandated reporters must immediately report known or suspected mental or physical abuse or neglect of a child made known to them in their professional or official capacity directly to the Department of Human Services by calling 855-444-3911 (24/7 toll free number). A written report must be submitted to the Department of Human Services within 72 hours of the initial verbal report. Even those who are not mandated reporters may report known or reasonably suspected child abuse to the Department of Human Services.

College faculty, staff or students who are working with Minors in their professional or official capacity and who have questions about whether they may be considered mandated reporters under Michigan law should contact their Program Administrator.

Violations of this Policy
In the event an allegation of inappropriate conduct has been made against an Authorized Adult and/or Program Staff, they shall discontinue participation in any programs or activities covered by this policy, until such allegation(s) has been satisfactorily resolved. Violations of this Policy may result in discipline up to and including, without limitation, termination of employment, termination of authorized volunteer status, and removal and permanent exclusion from College property.

Procedures shall be developed and implemented consistent with this Policy.

*OCC shall comply with MCL 37.231 et seq, which permits accommodations for breastfeeding in public facilities. 


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