EMP Action Plans, Resource "Mash-Ups" Provide Input for Operational Plans

Administrators-in-Charge (AICs), college administrators leading these objectives, create Implementation Teams to work toward achievement of the EMP academic goals. Once the teams are in place, environmental scanning, data review and SWOT (Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats) analyses provide the foundation for creating action plans for each of the 12 objectives.

Allocation and prioritization of resources are key features of the Integrated Planning process, and supports our fiscal responsibility to our stakeholders. During the development of the EMP Action Plans (three-year plans to achieve the EMP objectives), several steps take place. The teams identify the most important actions needed to reach the objective’s goal. The resulting Action Plans outline detailed steps, persons responsible, timing and resources needed. Once resources are identified, a “Resource Mash-up” is held where the Chancellor’s Cabinet discusses and prioritizes identified key resources (financial, personnel, technology, facility, etc.).

Regular progress reporting for each EMP objective occurs at regular EMP Steering Committee meetings and through a systematic reporting cycle to the College community. This includes College-wide videos featuring the Administrators-In-Charge reviewing their objectives. In addition, quarterly reports are provided to the Chancellor’s Cabinet to identify progress, areas of concern and next steps.

Operational Plans will provide action steps to address college needs

Using the finalized resource list created in the EMP “Resource Mash-up” meeting, operational process owners create action plans to integrate academic and operational needs. To align operational and educational planning, similar process steps occur including environmental scanning, detailed SWOT analyses, as well as prioritization of resources. Consistent review of resource allocation and usage throughout planning demonstrates fiscal responsibility to our stakeholders.

Integrated Planning Model is refined through cycles of improvement

As the College employs a strategic planning model that includes integration and resource planning, opportunities for improvement are reviewed. During the first year of the EMP development and implementation, refinements included more standardized templates and reporting processes. In addition, a process to identify new EMP objectives, as well to as remove completed objectives, is in final development. By continuously reviewing and improving how we plan, we keep our key themes of integration and resourceful planning at the forefront of these processes.

More detail about the continuing work of the EMP can be found on the OCC website. Dr. Cathey Maze, Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Services, provides leadership for the EMP and related processes.