In addition to practical training in lifesaving measures, you learn to recognize medical
emergencies, manage patients during transport, communicate professionally and respond
to trauma in the field.
Jobs include:
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Paramedic
- Emergency Care Assistant
- Emergency Room Technician
With more education or experience, jobs may include:
- Advanced Care Paramedic
- Community Paramedic
- Critical Care Paramedic
- Flight Paramedic
One of the Only Emergency Services Lab in Michigan
Come to OCC to train for the many settings you will meet in the field. This innovative
training “city” includes furnished houses, a bank, convenience store, motel and a
five-story fire training tower.
We offer an EMS & Paramedic Certificate (49-52 credits) and an EMS Certificate of Achievement (12 credits).
The Only Emergency Services Sim Lab in Michigan
Come to OCC to train for the many settings you will face in the field: banks, multi-story
buildings, roadsides and homes. You will train with live scenarios at OCC’s Combined Regional Emergency Services Training Center (CREST)—the only emergency services simulation lab in the state.
Enroll Now
Begin your studies with these steps:
- Apply to OCC. If you’re not already an OCC student, create a profile and complete our online application.
- On the application, select your EMS option.
- Existing OCC students can update their academic program using the Change of Program Form.
- Attend an EMS Orientation (required)
- Pass a criminal background and drug screening.
- See all program admission requirements.
Returning to OCC
If it’s been three years or more since your last OCC class:
Arrive Faster: EMS Academy
In addition to the EMS Certificates described here, you can attend the intensive EMT & Paramedic Academies in the summer to prepare for the EMS exam in just six weeks. Other medical first
responder courses also available.
Earn a Tech Sciences AAS, Your Way
Create an associate degree that flexes to fit your needs. Mix and match courses from
one or more in-demand areas in technology, manufacturing, art, and design. Finish
your degree to prepare for a new job, get promoted, or to transfer on for a bachelor’s
degree. Explore Tech Sciences