Personal & Consumer Safety

Personal & Consumer Safety

Classes Available


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Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events

The Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course, designed and built on the Avoid, Deny Defend (ADD) strategy developed by ALERRT in 2004, it provides strategies, guidance and a proven plan for surviving an active shooter event. Topics include the history and prevalence of active shooter events, human stress response in high stress environments, and civilian response options. This is a research-based course developed by Texas State University.  The class will provide insights in how humans respond to high stress threats then develop and implement a plan of action.  Understanding how our bodies respond to stress is key to being an active participant in surviving a life-threatening event.  The knowledge and skill learned in this class are a valuable tool as we move about our daily lives.

Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Time: 6pm - 8:00 pm
Directions: Auburn Hills Campus, 2900 Featherstone Rd Auburn Hills, MI 
Campus Location: M-TEC Building Room 236
Fee: $30.00

Register for Civilian Response


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Stop the Bleed

The American College of Surgeons Stop the Bleed program has prepared nearly 4 million people worldwide on how to stop bleeding in a severely injured person. This is not a first aid course, this is a hands-on course teaches the basic techniques to control life threatening bleeding. With 3 quick actions, you can be trained to save a life. The number 1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. That’s why we want to train you how to stop the bleed.  This class involves a short lecture followed by practical exercises where you will learn and practice methods to control serious bleeding.

Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Time: 6 pm - 7:00 pm
Directions: Auburn Hills Campus, 2900 Featherstone Rd Auburn Hills, MI 
Campus Location: M-TEC Building Room 236
Fee: $15.00

Register for Stop the Bleed