F-1 Responsibilities and Maintaining Status

As an international student at OCC, it is very important for you to maintain your student visa status in compliance with U.S. immigration laws throughout your studies in the U.S. 

The information provided here is meant as a general overview of F-1/M-1 requirements and does not contain all laws for every situation. Students should contact International Student Services with any questions or concerns about their immigration status to receive specific guidance. 

F-1/M-1 Students: 

it is your responsibility to maintain your non-immigrant status. Failure to follow the laws for your status may result in termination of status. 

General Requirements

The following sections provide information you need to maintain your student visa status. 

Report any address or phone changes

You must maintain a current local address with OCC. Updating your address and phone number is a 2-step process: 

1. F-1 SEVIS Record Update

    • Log into the F-1 Student Portal and complete the Address Update under F-1 Requests. This request also includes phone updates.
    • International Student Services will update your F-1 SEVIS record.

2. OCC Student Record Update

    • Update your address, email or phone in your Profile on MyOCC.

Any change in your addresses or phone number must be reported in SIS within 10 days of the change. 

Report changes to your immigration status or category

  • If you are currently in F-1 status with an OCC Form I-20 and you have successfully changed your status: You must inform International Student Services as soon as possible so that your F-1 SEVIS record can be completed and accurate. 

  • If you are a student with a pending Change of Status to F-1: You must provide International Student Services with updates before each semester begins. If the request is still pending with USCIS, an I-20 deferral must be completed before the semester begins. You can access the I-20 deferral request in the F-1 Student Portal. If the request for a change of status to F-1 has been approved, you will need to enroll for the semester listed on your I-20 and work with ISS to complete Immigration Check-in. 

Form I-20 program dates 

  • Your I-20 must be accurate and unexpired.

  • Your I-20 lists your PROGRAM START and END DATES on page 1. 

  • If you are approaching the program end date and need more time to complete your studies, an I-20 extension request MUST be submitted and processed before the end date listed on your I-20. 

  • Extensions are not available after the end date. 

  • Maintain copies of every I-20 issued to you. If any information on your I-20 is incorrect, contact International Student Services. 

Leave the U.S. before the expiration of your immigration status

The dates on your visa and your I-20 are different. While your visa may be valid for many years into the future, your STATUS is not. The program dates listed on your I-20 outline how long your status is valid while inside the U.S. Upon completion of your I-20 program you have specific options based on your visa category: 

F-1 Students

    • F-1 students have an additional 60- day grace period to depart the U.S. or transfer to a new program of study, or apply for a change of visa status. 

    • The grace period begins on the program end date listed on the I-20 (or if you are on OPT, the end date of your OPT).

    • This additional 60-day period is NOT for employment or study. If you travel outside the U.S. during your 60-day grace period, you forfeit the remaining grace period and may not re-enter the U.S. under F-1 status.

M-1 Students

    • M-1 students are eligible to remain in the U.S. for one year or for as long as the program dates listed on the I-20. 

    • Upon program completion, students are given a grace period of 30 days to depart the country. 

    • M-1 students are not eligible to transfer at the end of their programs. Students requiring an extension of stay must file a Form I-539 “Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status” at least 45 days prior to the end date listed on the student’s I-20. 

Report a lost or stolen passport or visa

  • If your passport is lost or stolen: Be sure to obtain a police report for your records and notify your home country consulate. You will need to obtain a replacement as soon as possible. Once the new passport is issued and received, provide an updated copy to International Student Services.

  • Replacing a visa: This requires travel outside the U.S. and an appointment at a U.S. embassy or consulate abroad. 

Study Requirements

The following sections provide information on enrollment requirements and processes specific to the F-1 and M-1 student visa categories. 

Maintain full-time enrollment

You must enroll full-time with at least 12 billable credit hours during Fall and Winter semesters. You may be eligible for a reduced course load in limited circumstances. Summer is considered a vacation semester and there are no enrollment requirements except for specific situations as listed below: 

First Semester in Summer 
If you have an I-20 start date for summer semester, you must enroll full-time with a minimum of 12 billable credit hours. 

Final Semester in Summer (Graduation)
If you’re completing your degree in the summer semester, you must be enrolled full-time with at least 12 billable credit hours OR have an approved Final Semester Reduced Course Load on record with International Student Services.

Online course policy

F-1 students are only eligible for 1 online course within the required 12 credits of full-time enrollment. This is a federal regulation and there are no exceptions.

At OCC every course is assigned an instructional code. The following course codes are considered online: 

• FLX-L 
• FLX-O 
• ONL-Online  
• ONLT- Online Course with in-person Testing   
• ONLL- Online Live Course  

Make academic progress

F-1 students are required by federal regulation to make normal progress toward degree completion by completing their studies on or before the expiration of the program completion date listed on their Form I-20.

Reduced course load eligibility

Under certain circumstances, F-1 and M-1 students may be eligible to request a reduced course load and still maintain their student status. 

Reduced Course Load Eligibility

Academic Final Semester  Medical
Available during FIRST semester of study in F-1 status ONLY Available to students in their final semester of study (including summer) Available to students who have a medical or mental health condition that prevents them from studying full-time
  • Unfamiliarity with U.S. teaching methods 
  • Initial difficulty with English language
  • Initial difficulty with reading requirements
  • Improper course level placement
Students enroll in only the credits needed to complete degree program and must still follow online course policy Eligible for up to 12 months of a reduced course load due to medical conditions at any point during program of study
Must enroll in a minimum of 6 credits Not more than 1 online course  Summer graduates are required to be full-time or request a final semester RCL Student enrolls only in the credits recommended by medical care team
Documentation Required: Reduced Course Load form signed by OCC Counselor Documentation Required: Reduced Course Load form signed by OCC Counselor  Documentation Required: Signed letter from a Board Certified doctor or clinical psychologist 

Important notes

    • You must request the reduced course load within the F-1 portal. 

    • You should not drop below full-time enrollment until a reduced course load is approved by International Student Services. Dropping below full-time without authorization may lead to status termination. 

Dual Enrollment 

F-1 students are eligible to take classes at another college or university while attending OCC if they have authorization for dual enrollment from International Student Services. 

If you are approved for dual enrollment, this approval is for a specific semester and you must:

    • Enroll for a total of 12 credits with at least 6 of the credits taken at OCC
    • Maintain full-time enrollment and receive a letter grade for each course
    • Not have more than 1 online course 
    • Provide evidence of course completion at guest college/university

Leave of absence

  • If you need to depart the U.S. and take a break from your studies, you must request a Leave of Absence

  • International Student Services will process an “authorized early withdrawal” and terminate the I-20. Students taking a leave of absence cannot remain in the US and must depart. 

  • Once a student is ready to return, they should reach out to International Student Services at least 2 months prior to the semester they wish to resume studies for an advisor to provide next steps. 

Change of education level

A Change of Education Level occurs when you: 

    • Completes ESL and is ready to transition to academic study.

    • Completes an academic program of study and plans to begin a new academic program.

You are responsible for knowing your academic progress and requesting the Change of Education Level during your final semester in your current program. 

Transferring out of OCC

F-1 students are eligible to transfer to another college or university during their studies in the US. Students must complete the Transfer Out request in the student portal and provide the following information: 

    • Proof of admission to the new college/university
    • SEVIS school code for the new college/university
    • Transfer out release date (this date should be after the last day of the semester)

To be eligible for transfer, you  must be admitted to a new college or university AND have plans to begin classes within 5 months of the transfer out date. 

I-20 extensions

International Student Services can extend your I-20 only if your program completion was delayed due to compelling academic or medical reasons. To qualify for an extension, you must still have additional required courses to take. 

I-20 extensions require: 

    • Updated financial documentation 

    • An explanation from an OCC Counselor for the extension and the new program end date

Repeated extension requests with a failure to demonstrate academic progress toward degree completion at the standard rate at the institution will result in an extension denial. 

Finishing or ending degree program early

  • Students who will abandon their academic program and depart the U.S. must complete a Notice of Departure in the F-1 student portal. 

  • International Student Services will review the submission and close out your F-1 SEVIS record upon your departure. 

  • Only complete this form once a departure flight is purchased to ensure your status is not terminated prematurely. 

Travel-Related Requirements

Travel Documents | It is important that your travel documents are up-to-date to avoid any problems when you are returning to the U.S. Visit our Visa & Travel page well in advance of a planned trip.

Travel signature 

Make sure your I-20 has a valid travel signature. This will be on page 2 of your I-20 under the Travel Endorsement section. 

  • Current Students: Travel signatures are valid for 1 year and multiple entries.

  • Students with Pending or Approved OPT: Travel signatures are valid for 6 months and multiple entries. Students are also encouraged to travel with an employment verification letter. 

  • Requesting a new Travel Signature: Current students should go to the F-1 Student Portal and complete the Travel Signature Request eForm. After your request has been reviewed, a new I-20 will be emailed to your OCC student account. Be sure to print and sign your I-20 for travel and always carry the I-20 in your carry-on/hand luggage. 

Keep your passport valid for at least 6 months into the future

  • Your passport should be valid for a minimum of six months into the future.

  • You can renew your passport inside the U.S. through your home country Embassy or Consulate. Find information on the nearest consulate.  

  • Once a new passport has been received, you are required to provide an updated copy to International Student Services. The updated copy can be emailed to f-1.advisor@oaklandcc.edu.

Check your I-94 regularly

Your I-94 record should be correct each time you re-enter the U.S. and reflect your F-1/M-1 status. If your I-94 is incorrect, contact International Student Services for assistance. 

Employment Requirements 

Receiving a student visa from the Department of State means that you are coming to the United States to study. If you work, paid or unpaid, off campus without authorization from International Student Services will risk termination of their F-1 status. 

Working on campus

F-1 students are eligible to work on campus at OCC up to 20 hours per week during Fall and Winter semesters. Please note that jobs on campus are limited and you should not rely on finding an on-campus job to fund your stay in the United States. Please follow the below steps to apply for an on-campus job:

  1. Fill out the Student Employment Eligibility Form (JP11). You can access it after logging in with your MyOCC username and password.

  2. Once you’re notified that your form has been approved, log into the Student Employment Job Board. It’s only accessible to students with approved forms.

  3. Search for jobs and apply for any that seem like a good fit.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular practical training or CPT is a work/study, internship, cooperative education or other type of required practicum. You are eligible for CPT after completing at least 1 year in F-1 status and the CPT must be connected to an internship course within the your program of study (major). 

Follow these process steps

    1. Confirm the academic program has an available internship course offered in the semester you plan to have an internship

    2. Enroll in internship course

    3. Find an internship for the semester you will enroll in the course

    4. Complete Internship & Co-Op Verification of Training Form EDU 256

    5. Complete Internship Institutional Agreement Form EDU 424

    6. Complete the CPT Request in the F-1 Student Portal

As a reminder, it is a violation of status to work, paid or unpaid, without authorization. 

Pre-completion OPT

“Pre-Completion” Optional Practical Training is used while you are still enrolled in your degree program. Pre-Completion OPT is deducted from the 12 months of OPT available at each degree level. Pre-Completion OPT is rare: most students save OPT to use after program completion. Note: Pre-Completion OPT is only used when you have a training opportunity but might not be eligible for CPT.


    • You are currently in F-1 status.
    • You have been enrolled in a full course of study for one academic year.
    • You are in an academic degree program (ESL students are not eligible).
    • You have not been authorized for 12 months of full-time Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
    • You have not previously completed 12 months of full-time OPT at the same degree level.
Although you do not need a job offer to apply, we advise you to have a job offer to ensure you use the benefit. Authorized pre-completion OPT is deducted from the 12 months of full-time OPT available. Meet with an International Student Services advisor to learn more.

Post-completion OPT

Post-completion” Optional Practical Training is used AFTER you complete your degree program:

    • This benefit grants you up to 12 months of work authorization in your field of study. 

    • It currently costs $520 to apply for OPT with USCIS. 

    • You can apply for post-OPT up to 90 days before your program end date as listed on the I-20 (can start employment 1 day after program completion) and can apply up to 60 days post-graduation (your “grace period”). 

    • You do not need to have a job secured to apply for OPT; you are allowed 90 days of unemployment after USCIS approves you for OPT.


    • You are currently in F-1 status.
    • You have been enrolled in a full course of study for one academic year.
    • You are in a major. ESL students are not eligible.
    • You have not been authorized for 12 months of full-time Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
    • You have not previously completed 12 months of full-time OPT at the same degree level.

Severe economic hardship

If employment opportunities are not available or are otherwise insufficient, you have maintained F-1 status for at least two semesters (one academic year), and you are experiencing economic hardship due to unforeseen circumstances beyond their control, you may apply to USCIS for an off-campus work permit.

USCIS makes case-by-case decisions for off-campus employment for students who can show that new, unexpected circumstances beyond their control have created severe economic hardship. These may include the following:

  • Loss of financial aid or on-campus employment (if you’re not at fault)
  • Large increases in tuition or living costs
  • Substantial decrease in the relative value of currency you depend upon to pay expenses
  • Unexpected changes in the financial conditions for your sources of financial support
  • Unexpectedly large medical bills not covered by insurance
  • Other substantial, unexpected expenses

View USCIS for more information regarding employment. 

Consequences of Not Maintaining Status

If you do not maintain your immigration status, your legal permission to remain in the U.S., as well as your ability to return in the future, may be in jeopardy. This goes for your accompanying dependents' statuses as well. 

International Student Services sends violation notices to OCC student email accounts and will attempt to call the phone number listed on your OCC student profile. Make sure you are checking your emails regularly and act quickly.