OAKLAND COUNTY, Michigan – When looking to start a new career, OCC surgical technology student Hadil Jonna
chose OCC as a surgeon might select her team. Selecting someone known for their strong
technical training, support in navigating under pressure and proven outcomes.
“From the beginning, my experience navigating through OCC was really easy – easy to register and all the things I needed to be successful were accessible to me. Everyone at OCC is really friendly, helpful and great to work with” Jonna said.
“I’ve been striving all my life for a career and when I made the decision to make it happen, I knew the only way around it was to go back to school.”
Gaining technical knowledge was only the beginning. According to Joanna, recognizing what students need and want eliminates wasting precious time. This was especially important to her as an adult learner returning to college.
With multi campus system across Oakland County, OCC made it easy for her to get started.
“The locations, classes and times were convenient for my schedule and OCC was very accommodating to what I needed,” Jonna said.
Jonna became interested in OCC’s one-year surgical technology program, which trains students for the skills necessary to assist in surgical care for patients. OCC’s program is nationally ranked and recognized for its excellence by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting award for achieving a 100% student pass rate on the Certified Surgical Technologist exam.
“Everything was here for me,” Jonna said.
To hear more about Jonna’s story, visit OCC’s YouTube.
About OCC - With multi campus system in Oakland County, OCC is Michigan’s number one transfer institution, offering nearly 100 excellent degrees and certificates. The College empowers academic and developmental experiences, allowing students to reach their full potential and enhance the communities they serve. More than a million students have enrolled in the College since it opened in 1965. Learn more at oaklandcc.edu.
Media Contact: Marketing & Community Relations | (248) 341-2020 | contactus@oaklandcc.edu