OAKLAND COUNTY, Michigan — With warmer weather just around the bend — and with it
open roads — are your motorcycling skills in midseason form? Or maybe you’re hog-wild
but only just taking your first paces on two wheels.
Before you get revved up, you need a thorough review of motorcycle skills and the ability to pass the riding skills test for a cycle endorsement, required by the Michigan Secretary of State (SOS) to ride on public roads.
Oakland Community College and SOS are offering two safety programs beginning in April at OCC’s Auburn Hills campus, 2900 Featherstone Road. Upon successful completion of either course, participants receive a waiver for the state riding skills test. The safety programs are:
Basic Rider Course — Web Enhanced: This weekend course, designed for someone who has minimal experience operating a motorcycle, focuses on developing basic riding skills. Three hours of online preparation must be completed before the class start date. The class itself encompasses five hours of classroom instruction and 10 hours of training on the roads.
The course is offered April 12-14, April 26-28, May 3-5, May 17-19, May 31-June 2, June 7-9 and June 21-23. Classes meet 6-10 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. You must be on time and be available during the 12-hour period Saturday and Sunday but are not expected to be on-site the entire time.
Returning Rider Course: A one-day course designed for the experienced but unendorsed rider to become licensed and legal. Many experienced licensed riders use this course as a skills refresher. This session takes place 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. May 11 or June 15. Students must demonstrate competency with basic operating skills and pass the Level 1 written test during the screening exercises to continue in the course.
Motorcycles are provided for basic classes only. Students in the experienced-rider course must provide their own motorcycle and riding gear. Sharing is not allowed but scooters are. Each student must provide proof of insurance, and the motorcycle must pass a safety inspection.
The nonrefundable course fee is $50, with registration online-only at www.oaklandcc.edu/ce/. A class payment acknowledgement email will be sent to the email address you provide. Report to your class at the scheduled time. You will be emailed if the class is canceled.
For more information, call (248) 232-4167 or 248-232-4150.
About OCC
With multi campus system in Oakland County, OCC is Michigan’s No. 1 transfer institution, offering nearly 100 degrees and certificates. The College empowers academic and developmental experiences, allowing students to reach their potential and enhance their communities. More than 1 million students have enrolled in the college since it opened in 1965. A seven-person Board of Trustees governs OCC. Board members are elected on a non-partisan, at-large basis, serve as volunteers and are not paid.
Media Contact: Marketing & Community Relations | (248) 341-2020 | contactus@oaklandcc.edu