OCC is officially one step closer to implementing a new mascot! Will it be Cobras, Green Tide or Owls?
Employees and students can cast their vote beginning on Monday, Nov. 6 for their favorite among the three concepts for OCC’s new mascot.

The College’s mascot refresh project began in September 2022, when students and employees submitted more than 200 name suggestions. Representatives from OCC’s Student Government, Marketing, Student Engagement, Athletics, DEIJ and Purchasing along with strong input from OCC student athletes narrowed down the pool to the top three.
The top mascot names were then sent to students in Peter Schade’s popular Graphic Design classes for design. The three final concepts now up for vote were all designed by OCC student Hailey Martin.
Now it’s your turn! Voting is open to current OCC students and employees only. Only one vote per person is allowed, and voters must log in with a Google account to prevent spam.
The voting period closes at 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 20, so be sure to cast your vote today!
Click here to learn more about the mascot project and cast your vote.
About OCC
Oakland Community College offers nearly 100 degrees and certificates programs with the resources students need to be successful and advance our community. As a top transfer institution, OCC offers one of the state’s most affordable tuition rates and flexibility in scheduling with face-to-face and online options. The College is nationally recognized for its high-demand career training with expert faculty in their fields. More than 1 million students have enrolled in the College since it opened in 1965. Learn more at oaklandcc.edu.
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