Policy Statement
Student learning assessment helps to ensure consistent learning expectations are applied
to all programs, courses, general education classes and co-curricular areas so that
continuous improvement can take place. Student learning assessment is an ongoing process
aimed at understanding and improving student learning through measurement and changes
in assessment, curriculum and pedagogy. At the core of student learning is the desire,
College-wide, to understand and improve student learning at all levels of the institution
(program, course, general education, and co-curricular levels). The process involves
establishing clear learning goals for students and, through established outcomes and
structured assessment plans, evaluating student progress toward achieving those goals.
- At Oakland Community College, faculty lead the planning, implementation and oversight
of assessment activities. However, academic deans and Office of Institutional Effectiveness
provide support and guidance to the faculty in all assessment-related matters. The
mission of the college-wide Student Outcomes Assessment Committee (SOAC), an arm of the College Academic Senate, is to advise on student learning outcomes and assessment plans at all levels of
the institution.
- OCC employs a faculty assessment facilitator (faculty supplemental contract) to work
with Institutional Effectiveness to support faculty and staff implementation of course,
program, general education and co-curricular student learning assessment activities.
- Additionally, program coordinators and Student Learning Coordinators (“SLCs”) are
OCC faculty and staff that manage all issues related to student learning assessment
in their program or discipline. They work with academic administration and all faculty
(full-time and adjunct) to develop common course outcomes, assessment plans, submit
assessment findings, create action plans for improvement and advance assessment activities
for their program or discipline.
- Finally, OCC uses the Assessment Results Tracking Information System (ARTIS) to track student learning assessment activities. ARTIS is a web-based database developed
by Oakland Community College. This database is used by program/student learning coordinators,
deans, faculty, staff and Institutional Effectiveness to manage all aspects of student
learning assessment. Its components include establishing learning outcomes and assessment
plans, submitting assessment findings, developing and tracking action strategies.
Through a structured, three-pronged approach, all groups are afforded an opportunity
to provide input in all of these areas.
Change Log
- 08-27-2018 Policy Developed by Curriculum and Student Learning Assessment/IE
- 06-14-2019 Revised and Recommended by Student Outcomes Assessment Committee
- 06-14-2019 Approved by Vice chancellor for Academic Affairs