Board Planning Cycle
To accomplish its policy governance and oversight responsibilities, the Board shall develop an annual schedule of meetings (Board Calendar) as part of its planning cycle. Each member of the Board shall have an opportunity to identify policy issues for consideration throughout the year on each Board agenda. The Board shall use a governance style consistent with Board policies by:
1. Reviewing Ends policies annually;
2. Hold at least one Board and CEO retreat each fiscal year;
3. Conducting a progress review of strategic initiatives, including the College’s
five-year planning model;
4. Developing meeting agendas consistent with the Board governance policy and bylaws;
5. Continuously improving Board and Trustee performance by participation in appropriate
professional development activities.
The Board calendar shall be developed in accordance with the following guidelines:
1. The Board Chair, after consultation with the CEO and obtaining input from Trustees,
shall create a draft of the Board calendar for Board consideration by December of
each year.
2. Continuing Education of the Board and Trustees is paramount in structuring meetings
and other Board activities.
3. The Board’s January organizational meeting shall be included.
4. The CEO’s annual performance assessment shall be held no later than November 30.
5. The Board‘s annual self-assessment shall be held no later than December 31.
6. The presentation of College Monitoring Reports, as noted in the College Monitoring
Policy 4.3, shall be included in the Board Calendar.
7. The routine review of Board policies, based on the five-year review cycle noted
in the Policy and Creation and Review Policy 1.4 shall be included in the Board Calendar.
8. The College budget shall be approved by the Board no later than June. During the
course of the fiscal year, revised budgets may be submitted to the Board for approval
as necessary.
9. In years where HLC Accreditation visits are anticipated, a retreat for the purpose
of preparing the Board for the visit shall take place approximately two weeks prior
to the scheduled visit and shall be included in the Board calendar.
10. Board policies and policy revisions shall not be adopted until they have been
considered at a minimum of two meetings (for first reading and second reading consideration),
unless board action waives this requirement and immediate effect is authorized.
As a framework for the development of the Board Calendar, the following non-exhaustive list of events provides an example for planning purposes:
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