Travel Expenses Procedure

  • Procedure Type: NA
  • Procedure Title: Travel Expenses
  • Procedure Number: 1.16
  • Office Responsible: Board Chair,CEO and CFO
  • Related Policy: 1.16 Travel Expense and 1.17 Mileage and Misc Expenses
  • Related Procedure: 1.17 Mileage and Misc Expenses Procedure 
  • Related Laws: IRS Regulations
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Administrative Procedure

A. Travel Advance
Trustees who have been approved to travel on behalf of the Board may obtain a travel advance equal to the estimated expenses by completing the top half of the Travel Fund Authorization Request form (BUS 2). In the event the travel does not take place, the Trustees must return the advance less any amount that is nonrefundable.

The form should be forwarded to the CEO’s Office, who in turn will obtain the Board Chair’s signature and then forward to the College Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in order to obtain the advance. Upon completion of the trip, follow the procedure in section B. below. Requests for travel advances should be submitted at least 30 days prior to the travel date.

B. Actual Expenses
Trustees must complete, within 30 calendar days from the date of termination of travel, the bottom half of the Travel Fund Authorization Request form (BUS 2), including a detail of actual expenses and receipts for common carrier, room accommodations, registration fees, and all other expenses. The form shall then be forwarded to the CFO for disposition. Requested expense reimbursements denied by the Board Chair or are otherwise not consistent with Board policy will be referred to the Board for resolution.

Items in which receipts are unavailable should be supported by a written statement explaining the activity or expense breakdown, as well as reason for unavailability of the receipt. Any expense reimbursement request delinquent more than 30 days from the date of termination of travel shall be brought before the entire Board for authorization. Reimbursement will occur within 30 days of receipt of the request form by the CEO’s office. If, for any reason, reimbursement does not occur within that period, a written explanation will be sent to the Trustee. 

Change Log

  • 05-17-2010  Revised
  • 04-17-2018  Revised; referenced in former Policy 1.6.5 | Board 
  • 04-28-2020  Reviewed; no change | Board 

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