Smoking on College Property

  • Policy Type: Facilities, Property and Safety
  • Policy Title: Smoking on College Property
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Business Services
  • Related Policies: N/A
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: N/A
  • HLC Criterion: N/A

Policy Statement

Smoking is prohibited on College owned or leased properties. This policy applies to all employees, vendors, contractors, students and the public. The prohibition applies specifically to the smoking or other use of tobacco products including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, and electronic cigarettes.

All employees share in the responsibility for adhering to and supporting this policy. Any problems should be brought to the attention of the appropriate supervisor and handled through the normal administrative procedures. 

Change Log

  • 04-22-1993  Approved (2.2.4c)
  • 03-20-2013  Revised (2.2.4c)
  • 12-15-2015  Revised (2.2.4c)
  • 07-01-2018  Effective date (formerly 2.2.4c)

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