
  • Policy Type: Human Resources
  • Policy Title: Vacations
  • Policy Number: 2.3.5
  • Office Responsible: Human Resources
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

Officers and Administrators
Full-time Officers and Administrators shall be entitled to annual vacation allowances at the rate of two days per month up to a total of twenty-four days per year. Vacation accrued but not taken may be carried forward to the next contract period to a maximum of forty-eight days. Time Exception Reports shall be submitted for approval prior to taking vacation.

    • Effect of Employment as a Faculty Member
      Officers or Administrators who have received approval from the Chancellor to terminate their administrative positions during the course of an academic year in order to become members of the faculty will receive compensation for all the  earned vacation days in their accumulated banks prior to employment as faculty members at their regular pay rate.

B. Management Staff
Full-time Management Staff shall be entitled to annual vacation allowances at the following rates:

Period of Employment Vacation Allowance
 0 through 12 months One day per month, not to exceed 10 days
12 mos. through 60 mos. 1-1/2 days per month to a maximum of 18 days
 61st month and above Two days per month to a maximum of 24 days

The date of initial employment or hire with the College shall be used for computation purposes. Vacation accrued but not taken may be carried forward to the next  contract period to a maximum of forty-eight days.

C. Termination
In the event that employment is terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the Officers, Administrators, or Management Staff shall receive compensation in cash at  their annual salary rates for any accrued and unused vacation days to a maximum of twenty-four days. Any additional vacation days which the Officers, Administrators, or Management Staff may have accrued beyond the twenty-four days must be taken  between the date of notification of termination and the date upon which the termination becomes effective. If it is impossible for any reason to take or use all of  said vacation days, unused days shall be forfeited. In the event that employment is terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and the Officers, Administrators, or Management Staff have used vacation days in excess of those earned, the overpayment shall be deducted from their salary checks at their current contractual salary rates. 

D. Death
In the event that Officers, Administrators, or Management Staff of the College should die while actively employed, the College shall compensate the estate in an amount equal to the number of earned vacation days in the deceased’s accumulated banks at the time of death. 

Change Log

  • 06-21-11  Revised

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