Guest Computing Access Security

  • Procedure Type: Information Technologies
  • Procedure Title: Guest Computing Access Security
  • Procedure Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Information Technologies
  • Related Policies: Information Technologies Resources
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

In accordance with the Information Security and Acceptable Use Policy, only authorized individuals may access College Information Resources. Access for individuals not directly affiliated with Oakland Community College (“Guests”) must be managed according to the following procedure.

Access to Restricted Resources
Frequently, a guest may visit Oakland Community College to make a presentation. In this case, it is preferable for the guest to use his/her own computer and connect to the Oakland Community College Guest wireless network if Internet access is necessary. All guests of OCC can access our “OCC-Guest” wireless network by providing some personal information to register for temporary access.  

one card (ROC) ID Badge
ROC ID’s are typically issued to all faculty and staff. When an intern, contractor, visiting faculty, or other guest has access requirements similar to those of faculty or staff, he/she should also be issued a ROC ID for managing access to computing resources and/or restricted areas.

Contractors working specifically within secured areas with requiring ID badge access can have a temporary card issued through the Director of Networking Services to gain access for a specific period of time to accomplish project work. 

Vendor Systems Access
Frequently vendors who provide support and integration services will be granted access to OCC’s system resources. Every effort will be made to provide unique active directory access with tight access controls to limit access to what is specifically need for them to provide their service. Vendor access will regularly be monitors to ensure access is removed with services are no longer being provided or personnel changes require updating. 

These AD IDs and ID Badge should be sponsored appropriately and terminated when no longer needed. A sponsor is the person in a department who is responsible for the user that is granted access to Oakland Community College resources. A sponsor is periodically notified when access is scheduled to expire, so that sponsorship may be renewed as appropriate.

In the event that compliance with this procedure cannot be met, please contact to submit an exemption request which will be approved or denied by IT. Denied exemption requests may be appealed to the CIO for final decision.

Change Log

  • 07-01-2018  Effective date

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