Safety Intervention, Individualized Risk Assessment and/or Leave of Absence Procedure

  • Procedure Type:  Student Services
  • Procedure Title: Safety Intervention, Individualized Risk Assessment and/or Leave of Absence Procedure
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Student Services
  • Related Policies: Threat Assessment and Safety Committee (TASC)
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA

I. Threat Assessment & Safety Committee (TASC)
The mission of TASC is to improve community safety through a collaborative, coordinated, objective and thoughtful approach to the prevention, intervention, and management of situations that pose, or may reasonably pose, a threat to the safety, security and well-being of the OCC campus community and its individual members. TASC will review and evaluate information regarding concerns or issues involving threats of student self-harm and threats to the OCC community by students. A key objective of the committee is to be restorative to support the student(s) involved in situations brought to the committee. TASC will act, as necessary, to protect the OCC community and its members.

II. Contact Information for Safety Intervention Request 

A. Potential Threat of Self-Harm or Threat to Public Safety
Any member of the OCC community who has reason to believe that a student poses a potential threat of harm to themselves or others in the OCC community should contact

1. 911
2. Public Safety (248-858-4911)
3. Submit a Behavioral Concern

III. Criteria for Assessment, Safety Intervention and Risk Assessment
The procedures for risk assessment and safety intervention described herein will utilize a fact based, individualized assessment process with reasonable reliance upon the best available objective evidence, including, the most current medical and academic information, if available, to evaluate the possible risk, severity, and actions of students who:

  • Pose a credible and significant threat of self-harm or threat to the health and safety of individuals within the OCC community that cannot be eliminated by a modification of policies, practices or procedures, or by the provision of auxiliary aids and services; and/or
  • Substantially impede the lawful activities, the educational process, or the proper activities or functions of other members of the OCC community.

Following proper notice, student code of conduct proceedings, academic or other proceedings may continue even when a student is subject to individualized risk assessment, safety intervention or leave of absence (voluntary, involuntary) pursuant to this policy and procedures.

IV. Notice
All notices concerning any College actions taken pursuant to the procedures in this Policy shall be sent to the student’s OCC email account and/or US postal mail, and/or personal service, if necessary.

V. Threat Assessment and Safety Committee (TASC) Evaluation Responsibility
The task of TASC is to assist in evaluating whether a student(s) meets the criteria for safety intervention, individualized risk assessment and/or leave of absence (voluntary, involuntary). TASC will have a multi-disciplinary composition whose membership may change depending upon the specific facts involved. TASC representation will often include the Vice Chancellor for Student Services and/or designee, Deans or Associate Deans, Counseling representatives, the Title IX Coordinator, ACCESS representatives, Teaching Faculty, Public Safety, and Legal Affairs. Other members may be added at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor for Student

In addition to examining whether a student(s) meets the criteria for individualized risk assessment, safety intervention and/or leave of absence (voluntary, involuntary), TASC may also serve as a resource, consultant, or advisor to any educational department or program activity to assist in determining whether an individual student is qualified to perform the essential functions of an academic program, and/or to provide other guidance regarding an individual student’s access to OCC’s educational opportunities.

VI. Interim Safety Intervention or Involuntary Withdrawal
If safety is of immediate concern, OCC is permitted to take interim action, following an individualized assessment (see section VIII), to protect the well-being of all members of the OCC community, including, making contact with the Public Safety Department.

If the Dean of Students or designee, in consultation with TASC, evaluates, after considering all reasonably available information, that a credible, substantial threat of immediate student self-harm or immediate harm to the OCC community exists, interim action, which may include an involuntary withdrawal of the student, may occur. Interim involuntary withdrawal is a preliminary action taken to protect the health and safety of individuals in the OCC community
and is not a penalty.

VII. Opportunity to Challenge Interim Involuntary Withdrawal
A student withdrawn on an interim basis, following email and/or US postal mail and/or personal service notification, shall be given an opportunity to challenge the decision and to discuss the reliability of the information concerning the student’s behavior. To challenge an interim involuntary withdrawal, the student must contact the Vice Chancellor for Student Services, or their designee, within three (3) business days, who will explain the OCC hearing process to challenge the withdrawal. The hearing may take place in person or via videoconferencing. If the hearing is to occur via videoconferencing, the student shall be provided with instructions on how to participate.

Following this hearing on the interim action, the Vice Chancellor for Student Services, or their designee, shall either continue or cancel the interim measures.

An interim involuntary withdrawal will remain in effect until a final decision is made. During the interim suspension period, the student is not permitted to return to the College’s property, functions, activities, and/or events without permission from the Vice Chancellor for Student Services or their designee.

If the interim involuntary withdrawal is cancelled, the additional procedures described in this policy regarding safety intervention and involuntary withdrawal may still proceed.

VIII. Individualized Assessment
In determining whether a student presents a violent and immediate threat or a credible substantial risk of harm to themselves or others, the Dean of Students or designee, in consultation with TASC, if necessary, will make a reasonable judgment considering the best available objective evidence, including the most current medical and academic information, and any specialized knowledge to determine:

    • Nature, duration, severity of the risk.
    • Probability for potential self-injury or injury to others.
    • Whether the student will impede the educational process or functions of the learning community.
    • Whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices or procedures will mitigate the risk.
    • Whether the student is a qualified individual with a disability and whether a reasonable accommodation will allow the student to meet his/her/their essential academic responsibilities, while at the same time abating the risk of harm.
    • Whether a qualified student with a disability can be provided an accommodation without fundamentally altering the essential functions of the educational program provided by OCC or lowering academic standards.

IX. Interactive Dialogue Process
As part of the individualized assessment, the Dean of Students, or their designee, will generally attempt to engage in an interactive dialogue with the student to discuss the manner in which the student plans to abate the risk of harm to self or others. As part of the interactive process with the student, the following information may be requested to determine if a student should be subject to an individualized intervention or withdrawal:

    • Executed release forms so that a report from a medical and/or psychological health professional of the student’s choice may be evaluated by the Dean of Students and/or their designee, and TASC/.
    • Suggestions from the student and/or his/her/their medical provider regarding possible methods to abate the risk of harm.
    • Suggestions from the student and/or his/her/their medical provider regarding possible reasonable accommodations to allow the student to meet his/her/their essential academic responsibilities while also abating the risk of harm and maintaining a safe college environment for all members of the OCC community.
    • Suggestions from the student and/or his/her/their medical provider regarding readmission conditions following intervention or leave of absence.

The Dean of Students, or their designee, in further consultation with TASC, as a result of the interactive dialogue, must determine if the proposed plan appropriately addresses the risk of harm informing the decision to intervene or involuntarily withdraw the student. If the proposed plan does not adequately address the risk of harm, the Dean of Students, or their designee, may resume the interactive process with the student.

If a proposed plan is agreed upon during the interactive process, said plan and agreement shall be specified in writing and sent via email and/or US postal mail notification and/or personal service, if necessary, to the student. The details of the proposed plan may be communicated to essential personnel to ensure its implementation and/or necessary monitoring.

Conditions for readmission for students who have been subject to intervention or withdrawal (voluntary, involuntary) must be specified in writing via email, US postal mail, or personal service, to the student.

Where the terms of a proposed plan for safety intervention and/or leave of absence and/or readmission cannot be agreed upon following the individualized assessment and interactive dialogue process, OCC may determine that the risk of harm cannot be abated or mitigated and that safety intervention and/or involuntary withdrawal should be imposed.

Any student withdrawn on this basis shall be notified in writing via email, US postal mail, or personal service as to the rationale for the withdrawal, including a listing of any documentation relied upon. Any student withdrawn on this basis shall be given the opportunity to request a Review Hearing. (See Section X).

X. Review Hearing of Intervention and/or Voluntary Withdrawal

A. Student Request for Review
Any student who is subject to an intervention or involuntary withdrawal pursuant to the policies and procedures herein, may make a request for a review hearing to Vice Chancellor for Student Services, or their designee, to review the determination. These requests must be submitted to Vice Chancellor for Student Services no later than twenty (20) calendar days following the determination that a safety intervention or involuntary withdrawal must

The review hearing cannot be conducted by the same individual who made the determination that the student is subject to an intervention or involuntary withdrawal.

The student will be provided with the following information prior to the review hearing: A written statement providing a detailed explanation regarding the reasons for the intervention or involuntary withdrawal and a copy of the documentation relied upon for the decision.

B. Review Process

1. Written documentation
At least Five (5) calendar days in advance of the review proceedings, the student shall, in writing, provide to the Vice Chancellor for Student Services a listing of any possible witnesses, including the student himself/herself/their self, and any new evidence for consideration, as well as any documentation the student will rely upon for the review hearing.

2. Hearing
At the review hearing, the student may choose to be assisted by an advisor, which may include a parent or guardian, a health professional of the student’s choice, and/or a faculty or staff member. A student may also have legal counsel present, for consultation purposes only.

At the review hearing, the student shall be allowed to speak, and to present any information to dispute the reasons for the intervention or involuntary withdrawal. 

The review hearing may be conducted in person or via videoconferencing. The student will be emailed and/or mailed, personal service, if necessary, on a timely basis, instructions regarding the location and directions for the hearing. The review hearing, whether in person or via videoconferencing, shall be recorded and shall be the only official recording of the hearing.

Order and decorum shall be maintained at the review hearing. Any appearance or testimony must be done civilly and in keeping with OCC’s Student Code of Conduct.

3. Determination
Following the review hearing, the Vice Chancellor for Student Services shall determine whether to: a) uphold the safety intervention or withdrawal; b) reinstate the student; or c) reinstate the student subject to specified conditions which may include, without limitation, online classes only, if available, participation in an ongoing health treatment program, acceptance and compliance with a behavioral contract, a reduced course load, or any combination thereof.

The decision of the Vice Chancellor for Student Services, following the review hearing, shall be final.

XI. Return to Campus

A. Conditions for Re-admission
A student who has been removed from OCC’s campuses or withdrawn pursuant to the policies and procedures herein, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and who wishes to be considered for readmission or return to campus in the future, shall contact the Dean of Students, and provide appropriate documentation to comply with the conditions of readmission, if any were imposed. The student may also present any other relevant documentation or information which the student believes will support his/her/their request for return or readmission.

B. Review of Criterion to Return to Campus
The Dean of Students will review the request for return or readmission by examining the following:

      1. Review and investigate compliance with conditions for return, if any.
      2. Consult with the appropriate academic unit to determine if the student is eligible for return or readmission based upon the student’s academic record or college-wide readmission policies and practices.
      3. Consult with TASC if necessary.
      4. Consider any additional information or documentation presented by the student.
      5. Meet with the student. Dean of Students, or their designee, shall meet with the student and determine, in their professional judgment, if the student should be
        allowed to return or be readmitted.

C. Appeal
If a student is denied the right to return to campus following a review utilizing the above listed factors, the student may make a written request for review, no later than twenty (20) calendar days from the date of determination, following the same procedures outlined in Sections X, A, B 1-3, herein.

Change Log

  • 06-22-23  Established