Board of Trustee Application Please don't fill out this input box. First Name* Middle Initial* Last Name* Street Address* City* State * ZIp Code* Home Phone:* Cell Phone:* Email Address:* Date of Birth* Gender* Current position or occupation:* If employed, employer's name:* Business Phone:* Business Address:* Educational Background (Most recent first): Honors or Awards: Community activities and/or involvements (Last 5 years) Professional activities and memberships: Current social issues of personal interest and involvement: Experience on a Board of Directors or in Trusteeship: Current and past associations with Oakland Community College Written Response Questions for Trustee Vacancy Applicant Why are you interested in serving on the Board of Trustees? What do you see as the role of a Board of Trustee member? What qualities, skills and experience would you bring to the Board? What is your vision of the College? What are the biggest challenges facing community colleges today? What do you see as the roles and responsibilities of Board of Trustee members? Describe how you'll advocate openness and democratic processes in all Board activities with emphasis on team decision-making and consensus. What are your ideas that would put students first? Do you have the time and flexibility to attend the board meetings and College functions? How can a Board know if its goals are being accomplished and its policies carried out? Describe your response if a student or community member approached you in the grocery store and asked for your support on a particularly hot issue? What do you know about Oakland Community College? By submitting this form, I certify that I am at least eighteen years old, and a resident of Oakland County Michigan. In addition, I have not been convicted of a felony involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud or breach of the public trust within the prior twenty (20) years, and the conviction was not related to my official capacity while holding any elective office or position of employment in local, state, or federal government (Michigan Constitution of 1963 Article 11, Section 8), and authorize the College to verify the same.Form UUID Site Name Submit Your Application Clear