How do I sign up to receive the COVID-19 vaccine?
Visit the Oakland County Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccine Hub to find a vaccination clinic or appointment near you. The State of Michigan also
has a helpful web resource that can be used to find a COVID-19 vaccination site in your area.
Are vaccines required?
No. While the COVID-19 vaccines are not mandatory, the College encourages everyone
to get vaccinated. Students enrolled in Health Professions programs involving clinical
placements may be required to be vaccinated, depending upon the requirements of the
clinical location. Students with questions regarding clinical requirements should
contact their individual program directors for additional information.
Will I be quarantined?
You will not need to quarantine from campus due to having had close contact with a
COVID-19 case. However, consistent with MDHHS guidelines, you should monitor your
symptoms for 10 days after exposure, get tested if you develop symptoms, and consider
wearing a mask around others during this period.
If I feel sick, but have not tested positive for COVID-19, may I come to campus?
Absolutely not. While you may not have COVID-19, we do not want anyone you may come in contact with
to become ill from any disease, including a cold or the flu. Stay home whether you
are vaccinated or not vaccinated.
What do I do if I start to feel ill while on campus?
If I notify OCC that I am positive for COVID-19, will any of my personal information
be shared with others?
All personal information is kept private by OCC to the extent allowed by law. Personal
information will not be shared with any unauthorized employee at OCC. In addition,
the College always tries not to provide non-personal information that might allow
someone to determine the identity of the COVID-19 case.