How to Register

Do you need help registering for classes?

We’re here to make sure you get a schedule that best works for you.

Listed below is a step-by-step process to register for classes at OCC. Not yet admitted to OCC? You will need to complete the admissions steps before you can register for classes.

Log in to MyOCC

  1. Select the MyOCC link.
  2. Log-in using your username and password.
  3. This will bring you to the MyOCC homepage.

Search for Sections

  1. Visit the Search for Courses or Log-in to MyOCC and select the Search for Sections card.
  2. Select at least one search criteria or Select the Search button at the bottom of the page.
  3. Use the Filter option to narrow your search.

Plan & Register for Sections (from your Program Plan)

  1. From the MyOCC homepage, select the Student Planning card.
  2. Select your program of study or click on Go to My Progress.
  3. Review status of program course requirements (red font indicates the requirement is not started yet), and select a course from your plan.
  4. Use the Filter option to narrow your search (make sure you're selecting the appropriate Term)
  5. Select View Available Sections to find preferred sections, then select Add Section to Schedule, and then select Add Section.
  6. To add additional courses from your plan, select Back to My Progress.
  7. Once all your courses have been planned, select Student Planning from the top ribbon, and then select Go to Plan & Schedule.
  8. Use arrows to the select the semester.
  9. To complete registration, select Register under each section on your schedule. Planned sections are not registered.
  10. You will receive a confirmation email every time a registration change is made to your account. 
  11. After adding or dropping classes, select the Student Finance card to view your account and make a payment.

Plan & Register for Sections (not from your Program Plan)

  1. From the MyOCC homepage, select the Student Planning card.
  2. In the Search for Courses field enter your desired course (for example, HIS-2510 or HIS).
  3. Use the Filter option to narrow your search (make sure you're selecting the appropriate Term)
  4. Select View Available Sections to find preferred sections, then select Add Section to Schedule, and then select Add Section.
  5. Once all your courses have been planned, select Student Planning from the top ribbon, and then select Go to Plan & Schedule.
  6. Use arrows to the select the semester.
  7. To complete registration, select Register under each section on your schedule. Planned sections are not registered.
  8. You will receive a confirmation email every time a registration change is made to your account. 
  9. After adding or dropping classes, select the Student Finance card to view your account and make a payment.

Waitlisting a Section

  1. For a Waitlisted section, select Add Section to Schedule, then Add Section.
  2. Select Student Planning from the top ribbon, and then select Go to Plan & Schedule.
  3. Use arrows to select the semester.
  4. Under the section, select Waitlist.
  5. If a seat becomes available, an email notification will be sent to your OCC email account providing directions on how to register for your seat. Please make note of how long you have to register.
  6. Student should also monitor their Waitlist eligibility on Student Planning.
  7. To be removed from a Waitlist, select Drop Waitlist.

Drop a Section

  1. From the MyOCC homepage, select the Student Planning card.
  2. Select Go to Plan & Schedule.
  3. Use arrows to select the semester.
  4. Locate the section you wish to drop and click Drop.
  5. In the pop-up selection window, select the section you wish to drop, and then click Update.
  6. After adding or dropping classes, select the Student Finance card to view your account and make a payment.

View your Schedule 

  1. From the MyOCC homepage, select the Student Planning card.
  2. A calendar view of your schedule for the current semester will appear.
  3. To view a different semester, select Go to Plan & Schedule.
  4. Use arrows to select the semester.
  5. Your registered and planned sections will appear. A calendar display. Please note that a planned section is not registered yet. You must select the Register to complete registration for a section.
  6. Selecting Meeting Information will provide details about class days, times and meeting locations.
  7. Please note, ONL (formerly known as ONLA), classes do not appear on the calendar, but if you registered for one it is still on your schedule.