Course Regulations

Declaration of a Curriculum of Study

The College serves many needs of the enrolled student. By declaring a curriculum of study a degree-oriented student keeps the College informed of this goal. Students are expected to declare a curriculum of study as soon as possible. Students wishing to identify or change their curriculum designation must choose a curriculum from the list of active programs. Students who know that degree attainment is not their goal, should make the curriculum designation of NDS (non-degree student). The designation UND (undecided) is reserved for the degree-oriented student who is unsure of the specific degree or program desired.

Student Load

A student’s load status for a semester will not be computed until the first business day after the 100% refund period has ended to ensure enrollment. To avoid overburdening themselves, students planning their class schedules should keep in mind the number of hours per week that they will be attending classes, the number of hours per week that will be spent doing homework, and the number of hours per week that students plan to work.

Full-Time Status

Students enrolled for 12 or more credit hours in a given semester will be verified as full-time students in that semester.

Part-Time Status

Students enrolled for at least 0.5 credit hour but less than 12 credit hours will be verified as part-time students in that semester.

Overload Status

Students wishing to enroll for more than 21 credit hours must receive special permission from an OCC counselor.

Change of Class Schedule

Students are expected to complete a class schedule during registration and maintain that schedule for the entire semester. If, for any reason, students wish to change any of their courses, they may use MyOCC/Online Services to adjust their schedule. Students are responsible for registration deadlines and refund deadlines. Until a desired schedule adjustment is complete, students should attend all classes on their current schedules.

Auditing a Course

Students wishing to audit a course or remove an audit status must indicate their desire when registering. Changes to or from audit status are permitted through the last day of the Drop/Add Period as defined in the Academic Calendar. In the case of late-start section, students may audit a course or remove audit status up to the day the section begins. Audit students must meet appropriate course prerequisites. Full tuition and fees will apply.

The status of audit means the student will not earn credit to satisfy course, program or degree requirements. Audited courses do not satisfy prerequisites and are not transferable, nor will they be used in determining academic load for financial aid, veteran’s certification or athletic eligibility.

The mark of AU will appear on the transcript for courses that were audited. A student auditing a class is expected to participate as a regularly-enrolled student unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.

Dropping a Course

Students may drop a class or cancel enrollment by web during registration periods. Student-initiated drops may be transacted on the Web or in person at any campus once classes begin. Student drops transacted after the refund period will appear as a “W” mark on the transcript. Student-initiated drops will not be permitted beyond the instructional week indicated in the following table:

Length of Course Last Week to Drop
30 weeks 24
15 weeks 12
14 weeks 11
13 weeks 10
12 weeks 9
11 weeks 8
10 weeks 7
9 weeks 6
8 weeks 5
7 weeks 4
6 weeks 3
5 weeks 2
4 weeks 1

Sections less than four weeks in length may be dropped no later than the end of the business day following the first class meeting.

Course Repetition

A student who wishes to enroll in a course that has been attempted three or more times must request approval of an academic counselor. A course may be repeated. However, the listing of the original grade remains part of the permanent record. The best grade and credits are used to compute the grade point average.

A student need not repeat a course in which an “F” was earned unless it is a prerequisite to another course or it is a course required for graduation. Certain courses have been designated as "equate" courses. Taking both a course and its equivalent has the same effect as repeating that course.

Transfer Courses

Oakland Community College offers college courses that fulfill requirements in the first two years of a bachelor degree. The courses are articulated with degree programs at other colleges and universities throughout the state. Transfer guides are available at campus counseling centers and on the web in the Michigan Transfer Network.

Contact Information

For General Questions Contact:

Phone: (248) 341-2260
 Enrollment Services


Auburn Hills Campus
Building B, Room 238

Highland Lakes Campus
Building WH, Room 263

Orchard Ridge Campus
Building M, Room 212

Royal Oak Campus 
Building B, Room 120A

Southfield Campus
Building A, Room 206

Service Hours

  • Monday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm (Onsite & Virtual Services)
  • Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30am - 5pm (Onsite & Virtual Services) 
    • 5:00 - 7:00pm (Virtual)
  • Saturday (see dates below): 8:30am - 12:30pm (Virtual Services Only)
    • First two Saturdays in January
    • Entire months of July, August & December