Processes & Procedures

Student Rights & Responsibilities: Classroom Accommodations

The College provides reasonable academic accommodations for students who have followed the procedure for disclosing and appropriately documenting their disability, in compliance with State and Federal regulations.

  1. Provide current documentation that cites an active diagnosis and functional limitations for classroom and academic work.
  2. Request accommodations through ACCESS each semester after registering for classes. Disability accommodations are not retroactive. They are provided from the date they are approved and communicated to faculty through the Notification of Accommodations process.
  3. Alert the ACCESS Office if you change your schedule after your semester accommodations have been approved.
  4. Fulfill the objectives and requirements for each class, including attendance, notetaking (if possible), abiding by due dates and adhering to the OCC Student Code of Conduct.
  5. Make arrangements with instructors and schedule appointments with ACCESS for approved testing accommodations at least two (2) business days in advance of each exam. If using a reader or scribe, make testing appointments at least one (1) week before the exam.
  6. Communicate with your instructors to make ACCESS-approved accommodation arrangements.
  7. Inform the ACCESS Office if the approved accommodations you wish to utilize have not been met in the classroom.
  1. The College may request additional or updated documentation in order to provide accommodations or services.
  2. The College honors the confidentiality of student records, including disability documentation, in accordance with the Family Education and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  3. The College is committed to timely delivery of approved accommodations notification to faculty.
  4. Only disability accommodations approved by Oakland Community College will be provided in the classroom. Neither accommodation notices from other schools nor standalone letters from diagnosticians provide legal grounds for giving accommodations in OCC courses.
  5. Disability accommodations are not retroactive. They are provided from the date they are assigned, as conveyed through the ACCESS Accommodations Notification.
  6. The College will not discriminate against any student regardless of disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or national origin as required by state and federal laws.

Student Rights and Responsibilities: ACCESS Tutoring

If the College determines that a qualified student is a good candidate for academic tutoring that goes beyond general tutoring services at the college, a 1:1 weekly tutor may be assigned as a service, pending availability.

  1. Notify the ACCESS office in advance if you are unable to attend a scheduled ACCESS tutoring session or your absence will be regarded as a no-show. If you receive two (2) no-shows in the same semester, ACCESS tutoring will be suspended for the semester.
  2. Arrive on time for tutoring sessions. If you are more than 20 minutes late for a tutoring session, that session will be regarded as a no-show and the tutor will have no obligation to tutor that session.
  3. Bring completed or attempted homework, readings, class notes, relevant assignments, and books to the tutoring session, including a syllabus if requested. After one (1) warning, coming unprepared is considered a no-show.
  4. Regularly attend the class for which you are assigned a tutor.
  5. Notify ACCESS immediately if you drop the class, take an incomplete, or wish to stop ACCESS tutoring.
  6. Take responsibility for your academic performance. Tutors are not responsible for students' class work, test scores, or class grade.

ACCESS tutoring is offered one (1) hour per week from the time of the approval (or second week of classes) through the end of the regular meetings of the corresponding class.

ACCESS Testing Procedures

The Disability Service Office assists with student-initiated college-approved testing accommodation arrangements.

  1. Testing appointments must be made at least two (2) days in advance with the class instructor and ACCESS. If students are using a reader or scribe, the appointment needs to be made at least one (1) week in advance.
  2. Tests must be scheduled with ACCESS at the same time that the class is scheduled to take exams. If the ACCESS office cannot accommodate that specific time, the test must be taken within 24 hours of the time the class is scheduled to take the exam.
  3. Students are responsible for making arrangements with their instructors to have exams sent to the ACCESS Office by the appointment time.
  4. The testing time will begin at the appointment time. Testing in ACCESS is the same as testing in class; if students are late, they will forfeit that amount of time.
  5. Students and their test materials must remain visible to ACCESS Office personnel during the test.
  6. All personal materials (coats, backpacks, purses, cellphones, smart devices, etc.) must be placed in a separate secure space in the ACCESS Office during the exam.
  7. Any incident observed during the testing situation, such as suspected use of unauthorized materials during the test, or leaving the testing room during the test, will be documented and shared with the instructor.

Contact Information

ACCESS main line:  (248) 341-2380

Auburn Hills - Room B-112B

Highland Lakes - Room WH-220
Shawn M. DiCicco, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator

Orchard Ridge - Room K-111
Michelle McLane, MA, Access Coordinator

Royal Oak - Room B-106
Shawn M. DiCicco, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator
Steve Messina, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator

Southfield - Room A-211
Michelle McLane, MA, Access Coordinator

ACCESS Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm

Southfield ACCESS Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm