Phase I
The Phase I system is a laboratory, where fire behavior can be observed in a “controlled”
environment. It is designed to increase knowledge of fire behavior and to teach the
student how to recognize the warning signs of flashover. Using Class A combustibles
(particle board), instructors are able to accomplish this effective demonstration
in a cost effective manner; and because the Flashover Unit is not influenced by artificial
or individual factors it is considered the most realistic fire training available.
Key points of the system include incipient phase of the fire, fire growth, smoke production,
high and low pressure zones, thermal feedback, rollover and flashover. The students
are shown, and can practice under working fire conditions, nozzle techniques that
can be used in any interior setting. There can be multiple evolutions before the
fuel load is depleted.
Phase II
The Phase II system builds on the principles learned in the Phase I System. The Phase
II System should be considered a working environment for the firefighters. In the
Phase II System the students are now at the same level of the fire floor an take
a more active roll in recognizing fire conditions. Students will utilize their hose
line and nozzle patterns to check the environment, control fire gases while advancing
a hose line, and ventilate fire gases through hydraulic ventilation methods.
Mobile Flashover
The Oakland Fire Academy has the ability to bring both the Phase I and Phase II systems
to a location of your choosing; which allows for an increase in training opportunities
for your personnel while reducing the need for them to be assigned outside of your
agencies geographic service area.