Michigan Achievement Scholarship - Community College Guarantee

Recent high school graduates who earned a high school diploma, a certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency may be eligible.

1. Pell Eligible Students

-$1000 annual entitlement “bonus” portion (MAS award code on your award letter) 

-Michigan Achievement Scholarship - Community College Guarantee (MASLD award code on your award letter). This is a last dollar award and pays only if you don’t have enough Pell or other tuition specific aid to cover your tuition, billable contact hours, and student success fee.  It calculates and pays based on an in-district rate of tuition. Will not pay at out of district rate.

2. Non-Pell Eligible Students

- Michigan Achievement Scholarship - Community College Guarantee (MASLD award code on your award letter) This is a last dollar award and pays only if you don’t have other tuition specific aid to cover your tuition, billable contact hours, and student success fee. It calculates and pays based on an in-district rate of tuition.  Will not pay at out of district rate.

Eligibility Requirements

  • File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) every year in program. 
    • List OCC as first school of choice on FAFSA. OCC school code: 002303.
  • Earn a high school diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate.
  • Michigan Resident since July 1st, 2023.
    • If Dependent, parent(s) must also be Michigan resident since July 1, 2023.
  • Enroll full-time, 12 credits.  Do not have to be TIV credits, just registered credits.
  • Enroll within 15 months of high school graduation, GED, or certificate of completion.
    • Class of 2024: Must enroll full time by fall 2025.
  • Proof of High School Diploma required.
  • Must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy to maintain eligibility in the program.
  • Can not be in default on a federal student loan.

Follow these steps

1. File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This will determine your eligibility for the scholarship.

2. Become an OCC student:  Apply Here

3. Once a student, sign in to your MyOCC and set up your student email

    • Monitor student email for further updates.

Visit The Michigan Achievement Scholarship - Community College Guarantee for full program details.