Transfer Student FAQs

As you explore transfer opportunities, we want to make sure all your questions are answered. Here’s a list to get you started. We also strongly recommend meeting with an OCC Counselor as early as possible to ensure you can set the stage for college transfer success while saving time and cost.

College Transfer - Initial Planning

When should I begin planning to transfer to a four-year institution?

As soon as possible:

  • If you know your transfer institution and degree:  You can start speaking with an advisor from that school right away. This will help ensure you are taking the best courses and help determine if the school and program are a good fit for you. If they are, you can begin to match the general education requirements for the school by using tools such as the Transfer Credit Agreements Guides – By Institution or transfer guide for your degree
  • If you don’t know your transfer school or major: Meeting with an OCC Counselor early on can help you to determine your transfer options. 

What steps should I take to ensure a successful transfer?

STEP 1: Meet with a Counselor | Make the most of your counseling appointment.  Students considering transfer should also review the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) Distribution Requirements.

Call for an appointment with a counselor at one of the campuses or set up a ZOOM meeting!

STEP 2: Submit application to your intended transfer institution

STEP 3: Have official transcripts sent to transferring institution
Complete an online Transcript Request.

For those requesting the MACRAO stamp or MTA endorsement on their transcript:

Students requesting either of these endorsements should first check their unofficial transcript online using MyOCC to see if the endorsement is already noted (found right before your history of classes).

  • If the endorsement is there, you do not need to request the endorsement again.
  • If the endorsement is not there, before you submit your transcript request, please send an email to requesting your eligibility to be checked. Please wait to submit your transcript request until you receive a response.

When should I transfer?

It depends on your specific situation and goals. However, some of the best times to transfer are after completing an associate degree or the Michigan Transfer Agreement. You will save cost by completing the maximum credits you can take at OCC. 

Unsure about what will work best for you? Meet with an OCC Counselor to discuss your options. 

What are the advantages of earning a degree prior to transfer?

Earning a degree before transferring from OCC to a 4-year institution offers you a great stepping stone for your career. Some advantages include: 

  • It can help you get a job and real-world experience.

  • Having a degree may lead to a raise or promotion. 

  • In some cases, an employer may contribute financially to further your education. 

  • If life gets in the way and you aren’t able to complete a bachelor’s degree, you will still have an associate degree. If you leave OCC without a degree and then return later, it’s possible the program requirements could change or your particular program may no longer be offered. 

What type of degrees are more likely to transfer?

Other specialized associate degree programs can transfer extremely well also and can get you well ahead into your degree program. OCC has many articulations with other universities for its specialized associate degree programs and can allow more credits to transfer than the usual maximum allowable transfer credits. Meet with an OCC Counselor to discuss your options. 

Transfer Credits Agreements (Articulation Agreements)

What is a transfer credit agreement?

Transfer credit agreements are formal agreements between specific academic programs at OCC and transfer institutions. Starting here may save time and money, given that these agreements often allow more credits to transfer for particular programs. 

A transfer credit agreement spells out exactly which courses will transfer from OCC to the specific transfer institution. Deciding to use a transfer credit agreement early on in your college career will provide your OCC Counselor with the best opportunity to assist you on course selection and planning:

Our transfer credit agreement opportunities change over time, and new ones are continuously being explored.

What is the difference between a transfer credit agreement and a transfer guide?

  • Transfer credit agreement:Transfer credit agreements are formal agreements between specific academic programs at OCC and transfer institutions. A transfer credit agreement spells out exactly which courses will transfer from OCC to the specific transfer institution.

  • Transfer guide: A transfer guide is an informal document that is developed by the “transferring to” institution. While these can serve as another planning resource to help determine which courses to take, these guides are not as ironclad as a formal transfer credit agreement. Transfer guides are subject to change at any time and may not reflect the current program and/or applicability of OCC coursework. If you are interested in using a transfer guide, we strong recommend consulting with an OCC Counselor and an admissions representative from the desired transfer institution to ensure the guide’s accuracy.

What are the potential benefits of using a transfer credit agreement? 

Potential benefits of using a transfer credit agreement 

  • Satisfies general education academic requirements at your college transfer institution
  • Ensures junior standing
  • Provides a clear roadmap to ensure that the appropriate courses for your degree are taken
  • Guarantees that courses will transfer, eliminating the possibility of unnecessary coursework
  • Increases the probability of admission to your college transfer institution
  • Increases the probability of earning a bachelor’s degree
  • Saves time and cost on your bachelor’s degree 

Other potential benefits (varies by transfer institution) 

  • Tuition discount
  • Course waiver(s)
  • Course substitution(s)
  • Waived application fee
  • Streamlined application process, such as a waived admission essay
  • Reserved program space
  • Advanced standing and/or entry into a specific program
  • Additional transferred credit hours beyond the 60 credit hours norm
  • Potentially satisfy more than one-half of a bachelor degree with transfer credits

Which colleges and universities have transfer credit agreements with OCC?

View our current transfer credit agreements by institution or by OCC associate degree program. 

What transfer opportunities are available for Applied Arts & Sciences (AAS) programs?

View our current transfer credit agreements by OCC associate degree program to learn more about specific Applied Arts & Sciences programs that will transfer to your desired institution. 

You may also look into degree completion programs such as general studies, integrative studies, interdisciplinary and applied science programs with 4-year institutions. These may allow you to transfer your entire AAS degree toward a bachelor’s degree that is designed around your specific interests. The MiWorkforce Pathways provides several opportunities for students completing their AAS degree. 

Not sure where to start? Meet with an OCC Counselor to explore your transfer opportunities. 

View our current transfer credit agreements by OCC associate degree program to learn more about specific Applied Arts & Sciences programs that will transfer to your desired 

Can I change my mind about using a specific transfer credit agreement?

Yes, but we strongly recommend meeting with an OCC Counselor as early as possible so that you can make an alternate college transfer plan. Depending on your initial degree plan and your new one, all of your credits may not transfer to your 4-year institution. 

Michigan Transfer Programs and Resources

What is the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)?

The Michigan Transfer Agreement is a course plan that’s intended to satisfy many or all of the general education requirements at participating Michigan four-year institutions. You may complete the MTA on its own or as part of an OCC associate degree. 

What is the MITransfer Pathways initiative?

MITransfer Pathways is a statewide initiative among Michigan colleges and universities. Its objective is to make the overall transfer experience more efficient, and easier to understand and navigate. 

Do you know what major you would like to pursue but are not sure of your 4-year transfer institution? You can use the MITransfer Pathways to get ideas. 

These Pathways provide you with an opportunity to keep your options open before selecting your transfer institution. Faculty from across the state have identified specific courses you may complete at a community college during your first and second year, which will transfer smoothly to the corresponding bachelor’s degree program at all participating universities. 

While the MITransfer Pathways are designed to be user-friendly and ensure a successful college transfer process, we strongly recommend meeting with an OCC Counselor as early as possible in addition to an advisor from your preferred 4-year transfer institution once you decide this. 

What is the MIWorkforce Pathways initiative?

The MIWorkforce Pathways initiative provides guidance for transfer agreements between many Associate in Applied Sciences programs and bachelor’s degree completion programs at Michigan’s public and private colleges and universities. This provides additional options to transfer credit agreements.

What is a reverse transfer agreement?

If you are transferring from OCC before completing an associate degree, you may still qualify for earning one without having to take any additional courses at OCC. 

This is done through a reverse transfer agreement, which applies credits earned at your 4-year institution toward an OCC associate degree. Both degrees are completed at the same time, so earning an OCC associate degree will not interfere with the courses and path to completing your bachelor’s degree at your 4-year transfer institution.

What other Michigan transfer programs and opportunities are available? 

Albion College Promise | The Albion College Promise is exclusive to graduating high school seniors and transfer students. Albion College will cover 100% of tuition and fees for Michigan families making under $65,000 annually, after the Michigan Tuition and Federal Pell Grants are applied.

Community College Summer Fellowship Program (CCSFP) - The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) at the University of Michigan (UM), Ann Arbor offers a 10 week paid State-Wide Summer Research Fellowship for currently enrolled Michigan community college students who are interested in transferring to U-M, Ann Arbor, or any other institution in the future.

Ferris State University (FSU) | Complete a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Criminal Justice or a Bachelor of Applied Science degree with a major in Industrial Technology and Management from the convenience of OCC's Auburn Hills campus. For details on the FSU Criminal Justice program please contact Gerry Scherlinck. For details on the FSU Industrial Technology and Management program contact

HTECH Jobs of The Future | Community college students considering a move to Oakland University’s School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) are encouraged to consider HTech Jobs of the Future.

HTech is a partnership program between OU’s SECS and two Michigan community colleges (Macomb Community College and Oakland Community College). This program allows students to pursue academic opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

HTech students are given the tools to reach their fullest potential and ignite a spark in students’ interest in research.

Acceptance into the program will be based on a variety of factors including background qualifications, GPA, area of study, and a personal interview. Our goal is to identify future Oakland University students who are transferring from OCC or MCC who will benefit from a program that provides tutoring, mentoring, and other support systems at OU. We want to identify who will best fit our program and identify their skills, interests, weakness and needs. Knowing our students’ needs will allow us to plan support systems to ensure students success at OU.

Our mission is to develop a support program that will help student participants to build upon past successes and turn weaknesses into strengths. We want to ensure that you have the support, direction and guidance needed to achieve your academic goals.

Michigan-Connect (M-Connect) | A program specifically designed for participating community colleges, including OCC. By attending OCC for two years and meeting specific requirements, students will be considered for admission to one of thirteen undergraduate schools and colleges at the University of Michigan. For more information on this opportunity please contact an OCC Counselor.

Michigan Public Universities Free Tuition Programs | The 15 public universities in Michigan are committed to providing a quality education at an affordable price. Many universities now offer free tuition programs for some of our state’s students with the highest need. Each program has additional restrictions and/or requirements not listed here. Please check with each campus for full details.

Northwestern Michigan College’s Great Lakes Maritime Academy (GLMA) | 
Students are prepared for the challenge of operating commercial ships on the Great Lakes and oceans as merchant marine officers. Transfer from OCC after one year to GLMA to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Maritime Technology – Engineering Officers program. Secure a merchant marine officer's license and an associate degree from OCC via reverse transfer, all within three years. 

Pharmacy Community College Connect (PC3) - The University of Michigan College of Pharmacy is excited to announce a new program for students interested in a exploring a career in pharmacy. Pharmacy Community College Connect (PC3) is for students from tribal and community colleges who know they want to go into pharmacy or who want to see if a career in pharmacy is right for them.

The Student Transition Enrichment Program, commonly referred to as STEP, is a KCP grant-funded program designed to support first-generation and/or Pell Grant-eligible transfer students in their transition from a community or tribal college to Central Michigan University. We invite you to learn more about the program by exploring our website and contacting our main office located in the Bovee University Center between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

Transfer Bridges to the University of Michigan is a program for students at Michigan community colleges who want to study for two years at their local community college and then transfer to U-M Ann Arbor’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) to complete their bachelor’s degree.

Transferology is a nationwide network designed to help students explore their college transfer options. Created and supported by CollegeSource, Inc., our goal is to save students time and money by providing a quick, intuitive way of getting their college transfer credit questions answered. 

Walsh Now | A concurrent enrollment opportunity between Walsh College and OCC.

Wayne State University – Oakland Community College Transfer Pathways | Complete your associate degree at Oakland Community College, including the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) within one of the pathways, and you are guaranteed admission and junior status at Wayne State University.

Admissions and Credit Transfer 

What questions should I ask my potential transfer institution?

Review our recommended questions to ask transfer admissions representatives.

What is the minimum grade needed for transfer consideration?

It depends upon the college or university you plan to transfer to as well as the degree program requirements. Inquire with the desired transfer institution.  

What courses transfer to meet specific requirements?

Specific course transfers will depend on your transfer institution and program. You can use this tool to determine which specific OCC courses will transfer to a specific 4-year Michigan institution. For course(s) that are not listed, contact the transfer institution.

However, to ensure that a course will transfer, we strongly recommend meeting with an OCC Counselor and an admissions representative from the desired transfer institution.

What is the maximum number of credits I can transfer? 

This is determined by your 4-year transfer institution. Most institutions will allow 62 credits to transfer, although you can sometimes transfer many more with a transfer credit agreement.

What should I know about transfer admissions GPA requirements?

GPA requirements vary by 4-year institution and degree program. In general, the more popular and competitive the program and institution, the higher the admissions GPA required. You should contact your desired transfer institution directly for admission requirements.

Does my GPA transfer?

In most cases, your GPA will not transfer. Some 4-year institutions will still consider your full cumulative GPA from all schools for admission to certain programs.

What are the steps once I have determined where I would like to transfer?

If you haven’t already done so, or if you have additional questions about the process, first meet with an OCC Counselor. Then: 

  • Submit your application for admission to your desired transfer institution, observing any application deadlines.
  • Pay the application fee, if required.
  • Request a copy of your official OCC transcript be sent to your desired transfer institution.
  • If not using a transfer credit agreement, meet with a representative from your transfer institution to see how your transfer credit will be applied.

How do I transfer credits from other institutions besides OCC? 

Contact the institution you attended and ask for a transcript to be sent to your transfer institution. Many institutions have a web page where you can order transcripts. Allow time for the transcript to be sent and the course transfer equivalencies to be completed by the receiving institution.

Contact a Counselor

Counseling phone number: (248) 341-2270

Service Hours (by appointment only)

  • Monday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm (Onsite & Virtual Services)
  • Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30am - 5pm (Onsite & Virtual Services) 
    • 5:00 - 7:00pm (Virtual)
  • Wednesdays counselors are available for same day drop-in sessionsJoin a waitlist.
  • Saturday (see dates below): 8:30am - 12:30pm (Virtual Services Only)
    • First two Saturdays in January
    • Entire months of July (except July 5), August & December


Auburn Hills Campus
2nd Floor B Building
Email a Counselor @ Auburn Hills
Fax (248) 232-4355

Highland Lakes Campus
2nd Floor of Woodland Hall
Email a Counselor @ Highland Lakes
Fax: (248) 942-3055

Orchard Ridge Campus
1st Floor of M Building
Email a Counselor @ Orchard Ridge
Fax: (248) 522-3696

Royal Oak Campus 
1st Floor of B Building
Email a Counselor @ Royal Oak
Fax: (248) 246-2455

Southfield Campus
2nd Floor of A Building
Email a Counselor @ Southfield 
Fax: (248) 233-2740